Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day 174 - Jamie Oliver Australia Ep #4 - Thai Coconut Salmon In-A-Bag


My interest in Jamie Oliver’s Australian expansion into Australia continues … One more episode on the tube, one more freshly-prepared meal to eat while watching.

This was a bit of an experiment. About a year ago, I attended a suit-and-tie business dinner at North 44, one of Toronto’s higher-end restaurants. One of the items on the menu was a salmon fillet with Thai ingredients steamed inside banana leaves.

I challenged myself tonight to the following: how could I pull off a similar dish, with NO banana leaves, and NO oven. (I could, however, allow myself to use the stove top.)

The result is pictured above: salmon fillets set atop vegetables and some other ingredients, all wrapped together in aluminum foil (so the fish would steam), which was cooked on top of the stove in an empty frying pan. ** Rather ingenious, I thought.

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½ pound of pumpkin
2 large carrots
1 onion
2 large (or 4 medium) salmon fillets
2 red chilies, seeded and diced
2-inch knob of ginger, peeled and julienned
2 limes
1 can coconut milk (full fat)
1 can chicken broth
Salt and pepper to taste
1 roll aluminum foil


1) Cut pumpkin and carrots into large, but bit-sized, pieces.
2) In a pot of boiling water, boil pumpkin and carrots until cooked approximately half-way. Strain.
3) Make two parcels out of aluminum foil. Place parboiled pumpkin and carrots on the bottom.
4) Place salmon fillets on top of vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste.
5) Placed ginger and red chillies on top of fillets.
6) Juice one lime per packet, also adding a small “splash” (1/8 cup) each of coconut milk and chicken broth.
7) Close aluminum packets to seal. Please inside a pre-heated, dry frying pan on stove over medium-high heat. This will steam the fish. Cook 8-10 minutes. Check fish periodically to ensure it doesn’t overcook.

Makes 2 servings.

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