Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 113 - Second Kitesurfing Lesson - Yorkeys Knob, Cairns - Vietnamese Spring Rolls


Success! I have officially learned how to kitesurf!! (albeit at a very beginner level)

Day 2 of my kitesurfing lessons saw me back at Yorkeys Knob with my Kiwi instructors for a more intense day on the water. After some equipment set-up and instruction, I was off into the surf to give (kite + board) a try.

Man, do I ever look unimpressed at my tangling kite lines, eh? lol

The below pic should hopefully give you guys a good perspective on kitesurfing equipment: my 14-metre kite is 40-feet directly above me (in "neutral position"), being held by my left hand, as I walk out into the surf with my board in my right. All this while the wind is trying to blow my kite all over the place, other kiters are (effortlessly) skating by me, waves are crashing up against my board and I, a tidal current is pulling me off-shore ... Yah. Lots going on.

And this, my friends, is photographic documentation of Kevin's first three(ish) seconds standing up on his board. The photo (unfortunately) is a little out-of-focus, but I'm hoping this will be only the first of many, many kitesurfing pics of yours truly that I will have to share with you all.

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After sundown, I headed over to my aussie buddy Mat's place for dinner with him and a couple of his friends. Matty promised us all a homecooked meal of lamb roast, potatoes and all the trimmings .. and he delivered. Before we got started with dinner, one of the other guests brought some vietnamese spring rolls for us to munch on while we waited for dinner. Fresh, easy-to-make, and great dipping sauce. A fantastic way to end another day in Australia. *grin*

*** Note: recipe soon to come, I need to get it from Mat ...

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