Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 17 - Chinatown, Sydney - Pigs' Ears in Chilli Oil


In need of a quick (cheap) fix before heading out for some kiting in Botany Bay, another quick stop-off in Chinatown. "50 / 50" was definitely a way of describing how I felt when it was all over: 50% satisfied, and 50% horrified!

Ignoring the bowl of soup for a moment, let's talk about the other ... err ... dish.

It was exactly what it sounds like: pigs ears fried in oil, infused with chilli. (Excited yet?) For whatever reason I was feeling particularly adventurous that afternoon, and figured since centuries of chinese culinaries had kept pigs on their menus, there must be some redeeming attributes to Oreilles aux Cochons (<- geez, even writing it in French doesn't make it sound any more delish). The Chinese truly are an efficient people. Like many cultures, they have found ways to use virtually every part an animal and turn it into something relatively appetizing. They have made several significant contributions to the culinary world.

I'm sure this will qualify as comfort food to someone. In my humble opinion, however, this will not go down as one of their greater culintary accomplishments. Regardless, I have decided to include my pigs’-ears-incident in this journal, if only to diarize the experience. (Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying new things!). Proceed with caution. If anyone has a different experience than mine, do let me know ...

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Pigs Ears (ask your butcher - he'll be all too excited to sell them to you)
Chilli-infused Olive Oli (you can buy these pre-made in most grocery stores)
Salt & Pepper to taste (I'm not sure they actually seasoned mine ... )


1) Heat a few tablespoons of oil in a pan or wok.
2) Throw in pigs ears ... cook until tender (? Mine were nowhere close to "tender", but see how you do ...)
3) Salt & pepper to taste.
4) Don't blame Kevin for tellin'-yah-so. *grin*

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